Information Bubble: How to Control Democracy in the Information Society Era
filter bubble, internet law, democracy, decisional privacy, fake news, disinformationAbstract
Research Question: The research lead to answer the question: Do filter bubbles distort the electoral process in such a way that it violates the right to free elections?
Purpose: The main research objective is to show that information bubbles violate decisional privacy, which in consequence leads to a violation of the correctness of the election process.
Method: : The research methodology includes a systematic review of scientific papers and studies developed by international organizations and of reports.
Results: The research shows the effects of filter bubbles on election process. Thanks to this, we can see that not all information is distributed evenly on the Internet and some of the information does not reach the recipients. The main research objective is to show that filter bubbles violate decisional privacy, which in consequence leads to a violation of the correctness of the election process. The author presents why states should regulate social media in the field of filter bubbles and what steps should be taken.
Organization: The development of the information society poses new challenges for the legislator. One of them is the problem of regulating social media and related tools - including filter bubbles. The article presents the influence of filter bubbles on the electoral process. The article reviews the current research on this problem- both empirical and doctrinal.
Society: The article deals with a socially relevant topic, which is the manipulation of the electoral process. The examples studied in the work on the cases of recent elections in the USA, Great Britain or Brazil show that the problem affects practically every corner of the world. The result of the study is to show that filter bubbles pose a threat to democracy.
Originality: The problem of filter bubbles and their impact on the electoral process is still an unexplored phenomenon. The work analyzes examples of the impact and indicates the steps that should be taken to start work on regulating this phenomenon. This research is based on the concept of social control over the social media algorithm.
Limitations / further research: The purpose of this article is to identify problems and review solutions. Research on the problem should be further established on the basis of legal and factual analysis.
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