Subjects of Public International Law and Non-State Actors – Time for Reflection
Subjekti mednarodnega javnega prava in nedržavni akterji – čas za razmislek
subjects of public international law, states, international organisations, international relations, stabilityAbstract
Research Question (RQ): Public international law is intended to, among other things, introduce an element of stability in international relations. Public international law is created by the subjects of this law which are the holders of rights and obligations under this law. However, we can distinguish several entities which, despite a lack of international legal personality, influence international relations. The question arises as to whether the existence of these other entities does not weaken the actions of the classic subjects of public international law, namely states and international organisations.
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to define a catalogue of entities that, despite the lack of international legal personality, influence international relations.
Method: This study was based on scientific and popular scientific literature. The research method used in this study was a descriptive analysis and critical interpretation of recent trends in the area of international relations.
Results: The research results show that, in addition to the classic catalogue of entities such as states and international organisations, we can distinguish several other entities that influence international relations, such as international corporations, non-governmental organisations, or non-institutionalised forums for cooperation.
Organisation: The research results, by distinguishing other (than classic ones) entities operating in international relations, may contribute to greater stability in international relations.
Society: The stability of international relations affects the security of nations and individuals.
Originality: The originality of this research is a critical approach to the existing catalogue of the subjects of public international law.
Limitations / further research: The research results may contribute to the debate on existing entities in international relations that influence international relations. Further research may even expand the traditional catalogue of subjects of public international law.
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