Youth Unemployment in Slovakia and in Slovenia
youth, unemployment, Slovakia, Slovenia, Novo mesto, Dolny Kubin, European UnionAbstract
Purpose and originality: The purpose of this paper is to advert the state of youth unemployment, with comparison in two countries, Slovenia and Slovakia.
Method: We analysed unemployment of young population. In our paper we used quantitative analysis and comparative method which we deal with comparison of two countries and percentage of youth unemployment. Data were collected through document collection from available literature and mostly from available internet portals such as statistic office of Slovak republic and statistic office of Slovenia. We collected as much data as it was possible in general point of view. Results: We analysed and compared those data to get wider point of view on the youth unemployment. In our paper we deal with hypothesis which says that youth unemployment within countries is higher than general unemployment and the second hypothesis says that Slovakia has higher percentage of unemployed young people. We confirmed our hypothesis in the paper.
Society: We strongly believe that this analysis will help to understand the state of youth unemployment, with which obstacles has to deal with and also if there are differences between countries.
Limitations/ further research: We suggest further research on possibilities for young population, if they use possible and available supports and grants. For further research we suggest to analyse “Guarantees for youth” which are supposed to support young people aged 25-30 to activate their career on labour market.
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