Real Overview of Injuries Regarding Work Activities and Implementation of Health and Safety Law in Bitola Area
health and safety, spotted injuries, business entites, Bitola, R. Macedonia, integrated management systemsAbstract
Purpose and Originality: The basic aim of the paper is to present a real overview of the spotted injuries in Bitola area into the year 2017 on one hand, and on the other to present a real picture about the injuries considering time frame years 2013 – 2017 in Bitola region. Actually the paper presents three key elements which are really an important thing from which we could see how the Health and Safety Law regulations are really implemented among business entities.
Method: Actually the paper presents three key elements which are really an important thing from which we could see how the Health and Safety Law regulations are really implemented among business entities The same ones are: the spotted injuries, some key elements from spotted injuries regarding several key elements and also the corelation between the number of employees in Bitola area and the number of spotted injuries into the same ones (business entities). Having in mind that the Health and Safety Law regulations in Macedonia are in action from the year 2007 and that they realy had the implementation since the year 2012 (among most of the entities) as a starting point we had a situation where we are expecting a significant reducement of the spotted injuries into Bitola area among business entities. And at the end of this section, we could also mention that the paper presents only a small part from an extensive research which could and will be presented into some future following papers.
Results: At this poin we coudl say that the starting point while the research was done was to prove that the Health and Safety law regulations really works among business entites in Bitola. So in that way the presented data shown are a real prove that from year to year the numbers are lower.
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