Animal Transports
livestock, transports, cruelty, countries, economics, policy, lawAbstract
Purpose and Originality: The research is aimed on the animal transports issue, from two points of view – first is the animal cruelty and second is the policy and economic consideration. The goal is to acquaint the readers with the transports risks and its cruelty and evaluation of the economic, political aspects for he involved countries. The study is oriented on more points of view, what is rare in works with a similar theme.
Method:This paper examines many issues and examinations from different authors and subsequently summarized the findings with authors own knowledge to one expanded unit.
Results: Results proves, that livestock transports have negative impact on animal´s health, environment. Number of transported animals is rising every year.
Society:Research familiarize the society with the animal transports, cruelty against animals during them, and influence of transports on somecountries, their economy, policy. People get better informed and can form their own opinion on this topic. They may start acting, undertaking some steps to improve the present situation, what could help a lot to animals and environment.
Limitations / further research: Future research could show progress and improvement of transports, quality of food supply and economics.
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