Sovereignty: Analysis of its Current Issues in Certain Countries
state sovereignty, acknowledgement of the state of Kosovo, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, South Sudan, TibetAbstract
The work is divided into two parts. In the first part, work describes the sovereignty of the state since its creation in the work of Jean Bodin and its subsequent development until now. This development is documented in the work of major theorists such as Bodin, Hobbes and Jellinek as well as on modern theories which are still under development, with a focus on international legal aspects of national sovereignty.
Subsequently, the second part in the work deals with recent cases relating to the sovereignty of the state. We analyze perhaps the most famous cases of countries which are seeking to gain national sovereignty with all characters. Choosen countries are briefly historically characterized with description of events, as individual countries try to obtain international acknowledgment and sovereignty. Those states (Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Tibet, South Sudan) still seems a long way to achieve sovereignty. In individual cases, therefore there is describtion of their development of those states, especially attitudes and influence of the international community and then they are partly compared individual cases with some of the theories contained in the first part. The aim is to determine whether Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Tibet and South Sudan can be considered as sovereign states.
Purpose and Originality: The purpose of my seminar work is analyzingof the issue of sovereignty in international law. Originality of my article is that events described in the text are for people little known.
Method: In the text I used to describe the method.
Result: I evaluated the most important facts and influences for States Kosovo, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Tibet and South Sudan.
Society: The lives of people in the above countries, the history and present.
Limitation: I clarified the important facts and dates, also bring compararison between past and the future.
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