Overview of Characteristics and Analysis of Differences Between Generational Cohorts
leadership, generation group, work values, motivation, stereotypeAbstract
Background and Originality: The research aims to find and review the literature in the field of differentiation, work and motivation of different generational groups. We are interested in the opinions and results of various studies in individual areas of interest. We will focus on the characteristics of individual generation groups and on the work and motivation of individuals within individual generation groups. We are interested in whether there are actually differences between individuals within generational groups or whether these are just generalised characteristics or stereotypes. The article offers an insight into the research of various authors; in the literature review it presents the opinions and results of past research, and in the results, it presents the findings of recent research and defines research questions for further research of connections between characteristics, work and motivation of members of individual generation groups. The review covered the literature of the past ten years. The study provides a framework for a sample search, analysis, and literature review based on existing research and the formation of research questions on the research topic.
Method: The research is based on a systematic review of articles we searched through various databases, Scopus, SpringerLink, and ScienceDirect. We used keywords and multiple combinations between them. We have reviewed the existing world literature since 2011. We used only scientific, professional articles that contain the research results on the characteristics, work and motivation of generational groups. We used 37 articles by different authors to analyse and compare the results. The results were tabulated according to the research question, and the reliability of the results was checked by the author’s intra-evaluation, so by performing two separate time points fourteen days apart. We formed individual conclusions from the perceived theoretical bases with the deductive method, but we tried to confirm or refute them by inductive reasoning.
Results: The results of individual studies of the authors confirm that the findings are broadly consistent with the theoretical foundations that describe the characteristics and values of individual generation groups. Some characteristics and values are different for individual generation groups, but some are specific to all. Research has shown that there are differences between generational groups as well as between individuals within generational groups. Some researchers have shown differences associated with generational groups, while others argue that these, if they already exist, are due to circumstances and other factors. Thus, when evaluating results, it is necessary to be very careful to consider only what is actually characteristic of individual generation groups and not to fall into stereotypes about generation groups.
Society: The article summarises the results and findings of the authors in the field of researching the characteristics and motivation of generational groups. In this article, we tried to combine the findings and prepare a basis for understanding the characteristics and behaviour of individuals within generational groups. In this way, organisations and the wider society would gain insight into the characteristics of employees and possible differences between individuals of different generation groups.
Limitations / further research: The research is limited to foreign authors who present the situation in their environment. As environments and countries differ from one another, different results emerge from different periods and developments in each country. It would make sense to explore how leadership styles are related to different generational groups and personality traits in Slovenia or in the narrower region, how they affect the motivation of employees from individual groups and whether the results are comparable to those presented in the article
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