Effectiveness and Effects of Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic through the Eyes of Custodians of Children in Slovenia
distance learning, pedagogical process, working from home, Covid-19, closure of schools and kindergartens, custodianAbstract
Background and Originality: The basic purpose of the research is to find out what was the assessment of the surveyed custodians and their satisfaction by distance learning course and the possibility of coordinating work obligations, home obligations and the participation of surveyed custodians on distance learning. As well our goal was to determine whether the two assessments differ according to some selected factors. The research was carried out during the course of the unique situation of the systemic closure of educational institutions, which appeared in that extent and in such a way for the first time. At the time of conducting the research and preparing the article, we had not find any research that would address stated research problem at the same time and from perspective as effect of custodians participation in the implementation of the pedagogical process.
Method: The research was carried out during two longer waves of school closures in Slovenia and within implementation of distance learning by conducting an online survey of child’s custodians whose attended distance learning. The final form of the questionnaire was coordinated by 2 human research representatives and 2 teaching profession representatives with more than 10 years of experience in that field. In the analysis, we used the methods of univariate statistical analysis and descriptive statistics (frequency distributions, mean values, asymmetry, flattening) and some methods of bivariate statistical analysis (t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient).
Results: Distance learning course had a better assessment by respondents as well/or the possibilities for coordinating obligations with other obligations, especially if the respondent/custodian is not the one transferred to of carrying out the pedagogical process (explaining the material, explaining what needs to be done with the task set, help with the production etc.) and if there are no simultaneous burdens on the custodians with home obligations and help in pedagogical process. It is also important that the teacher/professor is proactive and requests feedback from the children, if the one who provides an adequate material explanation and ensures that the pedagogical process takes place in a way that puts as less additional burden possible on the custodians.
Society: The research represents important contribution within the field of setting the baseline for possible future implementation of distance learning as well as studying the effect on custodians by overwhelming them and also from perspective of overwhelming them in their work environment.
Limitations / further research: As limitation, we would highlight the characteristic of the realized sample, which is not random and which limits the possibility of generalization, and the fact that timeline of implementation and the moment we had wanted to cover in conducting the research did not allow for a more complex way of testing the questionnaire. There are many possibilities for further research. It would make sense to repeat the research and ask the custodians to take into account the time distance until the implementation of distance learning during the closure of educational institutions during the Covid-19 epidemic. It would also be useful to search out to what extent, which areas, age groups and whether distance learning or any of its segments is currently carried out even after the society re-open.
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