The Dimensions of Quality of Healthcare of Children/Adolescents with Disabilities
Keywords: disabilities, handicap, children and adolescents, healthcare, quality, satisfaction, parents, patient-centred-care.Abstract
Research Question (RQ): A large percent of world’s population has some kind of a disability. Health care workers have to take into consideration all of the factors that have an impact on the patient and his family and also consider individual needs of the patient.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify the dimensions of satisfaction with the quality of healthcare based on the findings of different authors, and at the same time to define the factors that influence the extent to which parents of children and adolescents with disabilities are satisfied with the quality of healthcare provided to their children and adolescents.
Method: The research is based on a systematic review of the existing literature. A search for peer-reviewed and open-access scientific articles was conducted in Springerlink, Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed and Scopus. The time frame of the search was publications between 2012 and 2023 with the exception of relevant literature in the field of research. The search offered 106 such articles. For further consideration we included articles in which different authors reported factors that positively or negatively influence parents' satisfaction with the healthcare of their child and adolescent with disabilities. 57 articles met the criteria. The results of the main findings are shown in the tables.
Results: The perceived factors that have a positive impact on parental satisfaction are communication and cooperation between the parties involved, stress reduction activities, knowledge and skills of health care professionals, use of modern tehnologies, measurement of user satisfaction of health care services, approaches to health care and patient-centred care. Among the negative factors perceived are disadvantages in the health care process, lack of communication and cooperation between health care professionals and parents, lack of patient-centredness, insufficient quality of health care services, no user satisfaction measurements and lack of knowledge of health care professionals.
Organization: The findings of the research may help the management of healthcare institutions to find solutions to improve the satisfaction of parents of children and adolescents with disabilities.
Society: This article contributes to the understanding of the importance of monitoring the satisfaction of parents of children and adolescents with disabilities who are users of healthcare services. The results of our research show positive impacts on children and adolescents, their parents and the healthcare professionals involved in the healthcare process. The negative impacts shown give an idea of how to think ahead to improve the quality of work.
Originality: It is the first study of its kind in Slovenia.
Limitations / further research: The research is limited to a review of existing literature in electronic databases. The results of the survey provide an idea and a basis for further research, where the results obtained in our study could be implemented in a healthcare facility and a survey on satisfaction with the healthcare of this population could be conducted there.
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