Management Challenges and Factors Determining Their Successful Solution
managers’ competence, management challenges, factors determining success, leadershipAbstract
Purpose and Originality: This research aims to analyse challenges encountered by managers of educational institutions in their work, the solutions to overcome challenges and factors determining success. The article presents the results of the research conducted in Lithuania in 2022, encompassing structured interviews with 8 heads of educational institutions in Šiauliai region. The research has revealed that the challenges faced by the heads of Lithuanian educational institutions are determined by the specificity of the country’s education system, the previous management of the educational institution, and the attitude of the very heads of educational institutions.
Method: The research was conducted employing a generic qualitative descriptive exploratory approach (Kahlke, 2014; Merriam, Tisdel, 2016). The research strategy is not based on a specific qualitative methodology; it is simply sought to discover and understand the phenomenon from the perspective of the subjects participating in this research. The respondents were given two questions: 1) What was the biggest management challenge that you managed to solve successfully? 2) How were you solving this challenge?
Results: Based on the research data, management challenges, their solutions and success factors were revealed. The research demonstrated that the solutions for overcoming challenges faced by managers included the manifestation of general and managerial competencies in the managers’ activities, while the factors determining success were the managers’ personal, professional competencies and value approaches – managers’ distributed leadership competence and organisational culture.
Limitations: The research involved only heads of educational institutions (except gymnasiums) in Šiauliai region; therefore, the research results cannot be applied to the entire population. The research results could have been influenced by the subjective perception of investigated persons, their emotional state, daily institutional situations, workload, and other subjective factors.
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