Two Views of the French Revolution
Edmund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, French Revolution, Europe, democracy, liberty, politicsAbstract
Purpose and originality: The purpose of this study is to highlight the potential risks for democracy in Europe by focusing on the views of two prominent political theorists and politicians relating to one of the most dramatic turning points in modern European history.
Method: In the study historical, comparative and analytical research method is used. I also tried to combine chronological and thematic approaches.
Results: From the experience of the French Revolution, two basic types of modern political outlook have been developed: progressive and conservative. Edmund Burke and Alexis de Tocqueville are also included in these basic types. Despite several distinct views and different attitudes to the French Revolution, Burke and Tocqueville agreed in their analyses of some of the causes of this Revolution. Some of their views are unacceptable from the perspective of today's democratic society. But Burke still appeals to us especially by emphasizing the responsibility of our generation for future generations and Tocqueville can motivate us especially by the fact that he was a strong proponent of liberty and he staked his life on liberty. Based on the political and historical examination of the views of these two prominent political theorists and politicians, we can point out that the democratic order can be legitimate only when the basic principles and values of democracy are balanced and mutually respect their limits. The tension between the principles of freedom and equality must be counterbalanced by the principles of solidarity and justice. The effort to exaggerate one of these principles and to subordinate the others to it interrupts and endangers the overall goal.
Society: The results should raise awareness about the risks that threaten democracy. The study also points out that there is a narrow link between political freedom and responsibility.
Limitations/ further research: Research will continue to focus on the views of other major political theorists who have influenced political thought in Europe since the French Revolution, which will require wider teamwork at the international level.
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