Motivational Aspects of Participation in Education of Adults
formal education, non-formal education, informal education, adult education, motivation, researchAbstract
Research goal and purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explain motivational aspects of participation in education of adults. Motivation plays an important role for adult learners, especially if participants aremotivated by the matter being studied. This will result in achieving goals in adult education and acquiring the subject matter taught much better.
Methods: Methods used in this article include studying relevant papers, articles, and research results published by Croatian Bureau of Statistics and Croatian Agency for Vocational Training an Education of Adults. From methodological point of view quantitative and qualitative methods are going to be triangulated,i.e. the data will be collected from different sources. In analysing the data different tools and approaches will be used, and they will be interpreted by different theoretical models.
Results: The results on adult education in 2016 and 2017 show that besides formal education provided by educational facilities, non-formal education through courses and seminars, is considered to be more and more important, and there is noticeable growth in importance of informal education acquired through personal development, work, communication, reading, developing skills, knowledge and experience.Further research shows that the biggest motive for entering adult education are cognitive interests: furthering knowledge, intellectual development, perfecting acquired skills and knowledge, professional development, and increasing opportunities for better employment.
Organization: The results obtained, serve as indicators to government institutions on the ways to develop strategies and legislation in adult education. They can also be used by institutions specialising in adult learning as guidelines for creating adult education programs.
Originality/further research: Research result showed what kind of educational programmes are preferred by the adults, and what their motivation to join certain education programmes is. This findings are important for further research in the area of adult education, especially considering the fact that we live in the age of changeable trends and education becomes a key factor of development and base capital of modern society.Lifelong education and learning are the lifestyle of the future. Personal development, social status and development of the community depend on it. Investing in education, especially lifelong learning is an investment that will pay off again and again.
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