Self-/co-respect and Self-/co-Management as Intertwinement of the Cognitive Process in Autopoietic Organization
self-/co-respect, self-/co-management, autopoietic building blocks, human potential, self-/co-awareness, self-/co-responsibilityAbstract
Research Question (RQ): What is the influence of principle of self-/co-respect in connection with self-/co-management in autopoietic organization?
Purpose: Purpose of research is to present a person and human potential from the perspective of self-/co-respect in connection with self-/co-management as principles and process building blocks of autopoietic organization. We will discuss human emotions and try to recognize them as a quality of culture of love. We are interested in free control of emotions in the sense of human creativity and co-operation in transdisciplinary teams of future organizations.
Method: We will use qualitative research methods and achieve goals by examining professional and scientific literature. In the »Concept of forming autopoietic building blocks as life circle« Balažic Peček (2018) we will place »Evolutionary model of a free person – EMSČ« Balažic Peček (2016) and try to explain self-/co-respect, taking intoconsideration self-/co-management in an individual and in a team.
Results: With qualitative research we found out that self-/co-respect and self-/co-management are principles, included in autopoietic processes, inside the cover building block emotions. With setting up the »EMSČ« model in the »Concept of autopoietic building blocks as life circle« we will find common points. We suppose that self-/co-respect, as well as self-/co-management, are process building blocks, on which creativity of a person in autopoietic organization is based.
Organization: We will emphasize ethical principles, virtues, principles within the process of life circle and importance of directing human potential towards creative ability. A creative and capable person is a potential in transdisciplinary teams, on which autopoietic organization is founded.
Society: Awareness and responsibility in an organization are being connected next to human potential. With self-/co-respect we become aware of emotions as personal growth, transferred into organizational and social development. Thus culture of science, art of high technologies and spirituality are being linked.
Originality: Original approach of the perspective on a person from the point of view of self-/co-respect, from the perspective of »EMSČ« and »Concept of autopoietic building blocks as life circle«.
Limitations/Further Research: The abstract view on a person as self-/co-manager in an organization. From the conclusions of research it would be necessary that in the future quantitative researches are carried out in organizations – on connection of self-/co-respect and self-/co-management, concerning self-/co-awareness and self-/co-responsibility of a person.
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