Advantages and Disadvantages of Principles of Scientific Management and Lean Organisation
znanstveno vodenje, vitka organizacija, standardizacija, izobraževanje delavcev, delitev dela.Abstract
Background and Originality: In our research we want to represent the advantages and disadvantages of scientific management and lean organisation. We selected four factors as the base for the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of scientific management and lean organisation: standardization of work, education of workers, division of labour and cooperation between management and workers.
Method: As a method, we used text analysis that includes a critical analysis of different or conflicting perspectives on the principles of scientific management and lean organization. We searched for articles in the freely accessible Google Scholar scientific literature search engine.
Results: Based on the studied literature, we found out that scientific management was successful because it satisfied most of the needs of the industrial society at the time. On the other hand, scientific management has limitations and decelerates innovative function in the modern industrial society. The principles of lean organisation supposed to dismiss the deficiencies of scientific management such as lack of motivation, monotonous work, and observation of human as a machine and non-compliance of human nature. However, it turned out that standardization of work, authorization of workers, lean management, teamwork and other factors of lean organisation also reaped similar critics as scientific management did.
Society: The findings of this article may have theoretical and practical implications for those involved in running organizations.
Limitations / further research: In the article, we discussed only the behaviorist aspect. Another limitation is the selected principles through which we observed the advantages and disadvantages of scientific management and lean organization. It would be interesting to extend the observation to other aspects and principles.
Keywords: Scientific management, lean organisation, standardization, education of workers, division of labour.
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