Pragmatic View of Research of Organisations


  • Milan Ambrož professor



paradigm, pragmatism, concept, model, complexity, reality, social mechanism, organisation


Research question (RQ):  Is pragmatic research the answer to researching complex, uncertain, and irrational organisational landscapes?

Purpose and originality: This article explains a mechanism-based pragmatic approach to organizational science. A comprehensive examination of core approaches to organizational research reveals that traditional organizational theories and classical models prove inadequate in providing a holistic understanding of the escalating complexity and multimodality of organizational phenomena. This underscores the novelty and potential of the pragmatic approach in tackling these complexities.

Method: The research used organizational source criticism as a historical methodology to analyse the shift in organizational science beyond classical objectivist conceptualizations. Mechanism-based research explored and understood the contingency of knowledge and action using a pragmatic approach to organisation research.

Results: This study's findings underscore the practical implications of pragmatic research in organizational science. It is not a static method but a dynamic and evolving one that effectively addresses organizations' changing needs, societal trends, and technological advancements. This emphasis on adaptability and relevance keeps pragmatic research at the forefront of organizational science, making our findings all the more significant and interesting.

Limitations/Further research: It's important to note that this research is based on conceptual views of organizational pragmatic research. While it involved a systematic analysis of the application of pragmatic research methods in the empirical field, it's crucial to acknowledge that further analysis is not just a suggestion but a necessity to fully understand the method's role in explaining complex organizational phenomena. This acknowledgement of the need for more research encourages the reader to delve deeper into the topic, fostering a sense of curiosity and engagement. 


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